Thank you for your interest in helping Afghan refugee families feel welcomed to their new home in Utah!

We are in need of volunteers to collect items necessary to furnish at least one entire room for an incoming refugee family. By signing up, you agree to collect every essential item on the list for the room you choose (the optional items on the list are not necessary to collect, but will make the refugees feel more at home). You may also choose to collect items for an entire apartment.

You may collect more than the number of items listed for the room or rooms you choose. For instance, the list might note that 1 box of lightbulbs is needed. But if you would like to donate 3 boxes, we will gladly accept 3 boxes. It is important that you only collect the items on this list. Some items that are not on this list might seem essential, but we have collected other items through other means, so please only collect the items on this list.

Below you will find the list of items needed for each of the different rooms. After reviewing the list, please fill out the form below it to indicate which room(s) you will be collecting items for.

Contact Anne ( with any questions and to find a drop off location near you. Be sure to let her know what city you are in.


Please reference the list below to see what items are needed for each room type before you sign up. Please remember, you must be able to collect every item on the list for a given room, and only the items on the list. Individual lists for each room with more detailed instructions are available by clicking on the buttons below.